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Dia de los Muertos •  November 1, 2019 6 PM – 8 PM

Click here for event details.



Four Directions All Nations March • October 12

Click here for event details.



March for Justice • September 21

It's Time to March.
On September 21st, 2019, a diverse array of communities and allies who've had enough of white supremacist violence will come together. We will meet at the MLK statue in Denver's City Park at 10am, then march down Colorado's historic Colfax corridor, ending at Aurora's ICE GEO detention center.


Participants are invited to join us along the entire route, or for any manageable portion. See map below for the 5 meet-up locations. Our vision is hundreds of thousands of participants taking to the streets and sending a clear message to the entire nation:  ENOUGH!


We have had enough violence and injustice. This is just the beginning. Each of our communities is ready to work together to dismantle white supremacy by any means necessary. In centering the historically marginalized, we wish to celebrate our Black, Indigenous, Brown, Muslim, Asian, and Jewish folk; women; the LGBTQ+ community, the economically disenfranchised, community members with disabilities, and all intersections in between. As we seek liberation, we hope that our white allies and accomplices against white supremacy will join us.

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About ENOUGH! Action Coalition >

We are a collective of Black, American Indian, Chicanx, Latinx, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian community members and allies committed to the shared work of combating white supremacy through indirect and direct action.

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© 2019 by ENOUGH! Action Coalition

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